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- About The Company -

Fragrance Specialities was established in the year 1992 by our founder Director Mr R. K. Singh(Msc. Botany & Chemistry), An Ex-Organic Chemist & Sr. Perfumer worked with renowned Organisations, with expertize of over 4 decades as a Perfumer. The company is located in holy city of Mathura, Uttar Pradesh (Birth Place of Hindu God Krishna). With the sole purpose of providing quality fragrances, it has been our endeavour to provide not only the best fragrances but also to make available technical assistance to ensure that the products are utilized to their maximum potential. Since its inception, we have been involved in developing and formulating a wide range of Industrial Fragrances

- Our Vision -

We are committed to serving our customers with innovative, superior quality and high value-adding products and services. The success of our customers is our first priority. We aim to serve the needs and requirements of our valuable customers with the latest products and developments in the field of fragrances and perfumes. To achieve this, we continuously strive to attain and maintain a position of excellence in the industrial market. We always stay abreast of international innovations and latest developments in the field. We also always endeavour to provide the best quality - quality you can trust.

- Our Mission -

Fragrance Specialties has an excellent standing in the industrial perfumes and fragrance market throughout India. Its admirable reputation as a manufacturer of fragrances is the result of over twenty years of excellence and high quality. Today Fragrance Specialities is one of the fastest-growing Perfumery Company in India & can boast of a nationwide presence.

Fragrance Specialities has an excellent network of business associates, trained sales executives and field personnel right across India.

- Our People -

The knowledge, experience, hard work, determination and dedication of its people are Fragrance Specialities intrinsic strength and its most vital asset to succeed and grow against all odds. It helps its employees develop and improve their skills through motivation and training. The technical and managerial competencies of our employees are also constantly honed and cultivated. We take care of the

The driving force behind every successful organization is its people. Fragrance Specialities encompasses a team of experienced and professional managers, highly qualified technologists, extremely efficient staff and skilled workers. Our competitive advantage lies in our human resource. It is a synergy of youth and experience and a perfect blend of creativity, talent, intellect, and experience teammates expectations and nurtures their aspirations to keep them satisfied.

Copyright © 2019 Ritisha Fragrance Pvt Ltd - All Rights Reserved

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